News / Danapha's Activities

Danapha to be awarded “Employee-oriented enterprise” title for 2015

(DNP - 11/28/2015) - In the morning of last December 27, at the Vietnamese - Soviet Friendship Cultural Palace (Hanoi), Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and the Labor Newspaper celebrated the 2nd honoring ceremony "“Employee-oriented enterprise” 2015. Along with 48 other enterprises, Danapha is one of the typically outstanding enterprises to be honored in this program.

Being honored in this program is the recognition of great spiritual significancefor the ongoing efforts in improving the working environment, building a harmonious relationship between the interests of businesses and employees' rights as well as social benefits that Danapha has made in recent years. To help employees get a balance between work and mental and physical life, Danapha has organized many cultural and artistic activities in the company, the tourist activities in summer vacation, annual rest and more importantly, Danapha has created the best working environment for employees.

In the future, Danapha will continue to invest in economic development and have greater attention to the rights of workers to maintain harmonious relationship between enterprises and employees, contributing to the sustainable development of the business.

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