News / Danapha's Activities

Danapha welcomed Ministry of foreign affairs delegation come and worked

(DNP - 02/25/2016) - On February 25th 2016 afternoon, Danapha warmly welcomed the Steering Committee of economic diplomacy - Ministry of Foreign Affairs has come and worked at the company. The meeting had the presence of Mr. Bui Thanh Son - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Director and Deputy Director, along with the warm welcome from the Danapha leaders.

Danapha introduced our profile

About the reason of the visit, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs said: "This is an annual trip for the MOFA to learn the practical needs of each locality, each enterprise on economic diplomacy issues. Da Nang is chosen as the city is a pioneer city in the trend of global integration and the business here is also very active in the work of integration”
At the meeting, Danapha had the opportunity to introduce to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the history of over 50 years of establishment and development as well as to report on outstanding achievement in export activities. Through the report, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs had praise for Danapha on export achievement, while encouraging Danapha continue to promote economic diplomacy, export to many different markets in the Americas, Europe, ...
Mr Bui Thanh Son - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mr.NguyenQuang Tri - CEO Danapha also shared with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the concerns about intellectual property law while participating in the international market as well as the difficulty in finding and connecting withforeign pharmaceutical companies in franchising and product distribution.
Mr Nguyen Quang Tri - CEO of Danapha

Hopefully, after this meeting, not only Danapha but Da Nang’s enterprises will get more attention and support from the MOFA when reaching out to the world market.

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