News / Danapha's Activities

Danapha was certified to be Science - Technology Enterprise

(DNP - 10/02/2016) - On 1st October, Danapha was officially certified to be Science - Technology Enterprise by Danang Department of science and technology. Danapha is proudly to be one of the first enterprise get this certificate in Danang.

Getting this certificate is a result of such a hard attempt of Danapha because until now, there are only 130 science-technology enterprises in Vietnam and there are two in Danang including Danapha.

Pursuing science and technology applying in drug research and production for a long time, Danapha has invested a lot in infrastructure development, workforce quality to focus in-depth study on the special treatment products with advanced technology. So far, the efforts of Danapha for a long time have started to be recognized with 8 commercial products are formed from the results of science and technology:
- Liposome Paclitaxel 30mg (liquid) for cancer treatment
- Liposome Paclitaxel 30mg (Lyophilized Powder) for cancer treatment
- Bai Thach film coated tablet for kidney stones, gallstones treatment
- VG5 film coated tablet for detoxifying the liver, lowering liver enzymes, enhancing liver function and supporting hepatitis B treatment process.
- Tadimax film coated tablet for prostate fibroids and uterine fibroids treatment
- Prolonged release tablets 145mg valproic acid treatment for epilepsy
- Prolonged release tablets 333mg sodium valproate treatment for epilepsy
- Danapha Natrex 50 tablets against drug-addiction

Certificate "Science and Technology Enterprise" is a strong assertion of Danapha’s breakthrough in applying science and technology in drug research and production. Certainly, this will be the motivation for Danapha to create high-technology products, contribution to raise the status of domestic pharmaceutical companies on international pharmaceutical market as well as reducing treatment cost for patients.

1. If you are a health professional, this is a summarized medicine administration guide. Please check the instruction card for full details
2. If you are a consumer, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.