News / Danapha's Activities

Danapha done collaborative research products of biotechnology application

(DNP - 06/07/2016) - In the afternoon of June 6th 2016, Danapha had a meeting with representatives of the University of Natural Sciences, Vietnam National University of HCM exchange of application-oriented pharmaceutical biotechnology in developing new products.

With the trend of high development of science and technology, the prospects of the Biotechnology industry is huge, is ranked No. 2 in the world behind Information Technology. Especially Biotechnology Medicine is very interested in the world and Vietnam.

Orientated to become science and technology enterprise is our direction, Danapha actively collaborating with the University of Natural Sciences, Vietnam National University of HCM to have discussions on biotech-oriented medicine in the world, Vietnam and more specifically the application of biotechnology in the creation of new products with high efficiency and low cost to meet the Vietnamese people needs.

During the meeting, representatives of the HCMC University of Natural Sciences, National University, Dr. Dang Thi Phuong Thao and Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tri Nhan has made very specific statements about the research and application of medical and pharmaceutical biotechnology in the world and in Vietnam with products supporting the treatment of cancer, reduce the time and cost of treatment
After the report, the board, staffs at Danapha R & D Center had discussed lively with the researchers to find ways to cooperate, coaching staffs, preparing the equipment, processes and embark on research, application and production.

The meeting ended successfully and opened up opportunities for both two sides: Researchers and Enterpriseshave embarked together for the same aims "For the health of the community" brought to useful products and highly applicable to the people of Vietnam.

1. If you are a health professional, this is a summarized medicine administration guide. Please check the instruction card for full details
2. If you are a consumer, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.