News / Danapha's Activities

Danapha won the title “Vietnamese High Quality Goods 2015”

On the last February 5th, the annoucement ceremony of  the title High-quality Vietnamese Goods voted by local consumers was held in Ho Chi Minh City with the presence of more than 1000 representatives who representing for 522 Vietnam enterprises and many economic experts.
In making this annoucement, the winners have been selected based on the results of a survey of 20.000 consumers. Over more than 3 months, 522 businesses have been honoured with the award based on the result of consumer surveys in 20 cities and provinces throughout Vietnam. Among those, Danapha is one the leading pharmaceutical company being praised for all the achievement of 2014.

Since its establishment in 1996, High-quality Vietnames Goods has maintained its mission of encouraging Vietnamese people to use Vietnamese goods and contributing to enhance Vietnames businesses’ competition ability. As a part of this program at the begining, Danapha has kept innovating technology, applying new managment system, building brand’s awareness, improving product quality, ... in order to occupy internal and external market. As a result of those effort, Danapha is now proud to won the title “Vietnames high quality goods” for 16th times since 1999.

1. If you are a health professional, this is a summarized medicine administration guide. Please check the instruction card for full details
2. If you are a consumer, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.