News / Danapha's Activities

Danapha held a product training course for Hadico’s Medical Representative

With the ambition of sustainable development, Danapha always strive to create brand’s prestige and belief as well as building many supporting policy for our partners.
On the 9th January, 2016, Danapha held a product training course for Medical Representatives from Hadico, one of the most important partners of Danapha.
Danapha’s experts introduced Danapha’s products
Danapha’s experts generalized the information from ingredients, indication, dosage to the features and treatment effect of our products. Especially, the experts emphasized the outstanding advantages of Danapha’s herbal medicines in comparison with others. In addition, Danapha also shared with Hadico’s Medical Representatives about the experiences in real market.
Hadico’s Medical Representative in the training class
Many questions were raised in the class, such as: what make Danapha’s products different in the pharmaceutical market, how to become a good medical representative, how to impress the customer, … Besides, the discussion time and the teamwork also helped Hadico’s medical representatives understand more about Danapha’s products.
 Hadico express high determination on bring Danapha’s products to market 

After the training course, Hadico’s medical representatives all understand Danapha’s products and be ready to sell. This course is not only a useful and practical course but also an affirmation about Danapha and Hadico long-lasting cooperation relationship. 

1. If you are a health professional, this is a summarized medicine administration guide. Please check the instruction card for full details
2. If you are a consumer, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.