News / Danapha's Activities

Danapha workshop "Dispelling Osteoarthritis Fears" for the elderly in Da Nang

(DNP - 06/18/2016) - On June 18th 2016, Danapha held a seminar "Dispelling Osteoarthritis Fears" for more than 200 elderly people at ThanhKhe Ward, HaiChau District, Da Nang. The seminar took place at the company’s Hall. This is one of the practical activities aiming at "For public healthcare" that Danapha has pursued since its establishment.

At the seminar, Dr. Specialist 2.Nguyen Tan Dung- Head of Rehabilitation, Da Nang CHospitalshared with the elderly basic knowledge about diseases related to musculoskeletal. Besides, Danapha invited Dr. Nguyen Kim Dieu – Head of Acupuncture Department, Da Nang Hospital of Traditional Medicinealso shared with guests about this disease from Traditional Medicine point of view.

Especially, the doctors from the Da Nang Hospital of Traditional Medicine was directly involved in care for each specific case, counseling and prescribe medicine to support musculoskeletal healing for the elderly depending on the severity of disease. Through examination and also the opportunity for Danapha introduced Traditional Medicine Revmaton more widely to musculoskeletalpatients. Revmaton is one of the favorite traditional medicinesextracted from 15 natural remedy, the treatment of aches and pains due to rheumatism, spavin pain, back pain, leg fatigue knees weak, numb limbs.
According to Uncle Huynh Anh Tuan (1956) - An Khe Ward, ThanhKhe District attended the conference, said: "I have long been osteoarthritis, health check and given advice by. Dr. Nguyen Van Anh - Director of Da Nang Hospital of Traditional Medicine using Revmaton for coupe of time. I see significant improvement; especially do not suffer side effects from the use of the drug for a long time. Now I only therapy maintenance, reduce dosage compared with the beginning.”

Ms. Hoang Thi Hoa (1958) - HaiChau 1 Ward, HaiChau District shared "The Workshop is practical and useful to people like her and other people in good-health club. Hopefully the company will be more useful this program again, expanding not only the elderly but also women's group".
Mr. Vo Hong Lich, HoaThuan Dong Ward – Hai Chau District said: "I know Danapha for decades because of my wife used to work here when the company named Central 5 Pharmaceutical. This is the first time I join a good and useful program like this. Sincerely thank Danapha and the organizers have created an opportunity for the Elderly in the city to participate."

Danapha respectfully want to say thank you for taking the time to attend. Joy and your smiles are the motivation for Danapha to pay more effort to target "For public healthcare" in the next programs.
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1. If you are a health professional, this is a summarized medicine administration guide. Please check the instruction card for full details
2. If you are a consumer, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.