News / Danapha's Activities

Danapha celebrated its 50th anniversary of establishment

(DNP - 08/17/2016) - On August 16, 2015, at TrungVuong Theatre in Da Nang, Danapha solemnly celebrated its 50th anniversary of establishment (1965-2015) with the theme "Danapha - 50 years of sharing & dedication".
The ceremony began with the song "Hat voi Danapha" performed by Danapha's staff

On this special occasion, Danapha has had the opportunity to welcome and express gratitude to nearly 1,000 guests who have accompanied with Danapha over the last 50 years. From the Central agencies, Danapha feels extremely honorable to welcome Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Pham Le Tuan - Deputy Minister of Health, Mr. Nguyen Van Tien - Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Social Affairsof National Assembly, Mr. Pham Quoc Doanh - Deputy Head of the Central Business InnovationDepartment, Mr. Luong Hong Quang–Director of Department of Emulation and Reward, Mr. Dau Xuan Canh - Deputy Director of Education and Science, Government office, Ms. Tran Thi Bich Hang - Chairman of Vietnam Medical Union, Mr. Nguyen Minh Thao - Deputy Director General of Vietnam Social Insurance .From representatives of international agencies, Danapha solemnly recognizes the presence of: Mr. Somthavy Changvisommid - Director of Foodand Pharmaceutical Administration of Laos Ministry of Health, Mr. Nilov Roman - Deputy Consulate General of Russian Federation in Da Nang city, Mr. Khamsene Phommaseng – Consulate of Lao’s People Democratic Republic in Da Nang city. From the leaders of the Party Committee, People's Committee, People’s Council of Da Nang:Mr. Vo Cong Tri - Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of Da Nang, Mr. Vo Duy Khuong, Vice Chairman of People's Committee of Da Nang City, Mr. Huynh Nghia - Head of the National Assembly delegation of Da Nang city. From Danapha: Mr. Nguyen Quang Tri - CEO and Chairman of the Board, the former leaders of Danapha through periods with numerous employees of Danapha.

In the speech at the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Quang Tri recalled the glorious achievements ofDanapha during the past 5 decades. Danapha’s current achievements are thanks to the solid foundation from the helm of the former generations of leaders, the consensus and sharing spirit of leaders and staff of Danapha. Besides, Danapha is motivated to outreach to larger scale by the support and help of the agencies and branches, especially the Ministry of Health, Vietnam Pharmaceutical Corporation, the Institute and localities of Danang city, shareholders, partners, customers, agents and distributors.
Mr Nguyen Quang Tri - CEO of Danapha spoke at the ceremony

At the ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Pham Le Tuan - Deputy Minister of Health, Mr. Nguyen Van Tien - Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Social Affairs of National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Mr. Vo Duy Khuong - Vice Chairman of People's Committee of Da Nang city, pharmacist Nguyen Quy Son - Chairman of the Board of Vietnam Pharmaceutical Corporation and pharmacist Dong Viet Thang- Former Director of the company representing approximately 1,000 guests in auditorium warmly congratulate Danapha on its 50th anniversary of the establishment and together recognize the past journey and make expectations on further development in the future.
Danapha and guests take photograph at the ceremony

A 50-year period is a long journey with many ups and downs of history and the events of the economy, but Danapha has overcome all and become leading pharmaceutical companies today. Inheriting these proud achievements, young people of Danapha will continue to work together with the same wills, implement the mission of building a strong and successful Danapha.

2015 is an important milestone to recognizethe period of 50 years of establishment and development of Danapha. Together with vicissitudes of history, after overcoming the events of the economy, Danapha has created the proud history pages, from a pharmaceutical factory to serve the resistance war into a leading pharmaceutical company.

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