News / Danapha's Activities

Danapha - "Vietnamese Drug Star"

“Vietnam Drugs Road” is an official program held by Drug Administration of Vietnam with the purpose of honoring Vietnamese drugs which have high quality, effective treatment and safety usage. In addition to develop Vietnamese drugs, Vietnam Drugs Road also realize the project “Vietnamese is favor of Vietnamese goods”.
As one of the leading Vietnam pharmaceutical companies, Danapha gathered enough information in manufacturing, testing, distributing and all achievement to prepare the files for “Vietnam Drugs Road Award”.
Through all serious and strict estimate round from prestige experts in pharmaceutical industry, Danapha is proud of getting the award “Vietnamese Drug Star”. Not only that, three Oriental Drugs (including Tadimax, Duong Tam An Than and VG-5) formulated from natural herbs also get this award. This is the most prestigious award in pharmaceutical industry nowadays, the recognition of drugs value as well as the connection between Vietnamese pharmaceutical companies and customers.
“Vietnamese Drug Star” will be the motivation for Danapha staff to research new drugs, to invest in equipment in order to manufacture quality products and contribute to the sustainable development of Vietnames Pharmaceutical Industry.

1. If you are a health professional, this is a summarized medicine administration guide. Please check the instruction card for full details
2. If you are a consumer, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.