News / Danapha's Activities

Danapha joined "Vietnam - Russia Culture Exchange"

To celebrate 65 years of diplomatic relationship between Viet Nam and Russia (30/01/1950 - 30/1/2015), The Danang Union of friendship organizations and Vietnam - Russia Friendship Association coordianted with The Danang Union of Women’s Associations, The Consulate General of Russia in Danang and Danang University to organize “The Vietnam-Russia Culture Exchange.

This event was held at 14:00pm, 16th May in Trung Vuong Theater with many pavilions introduced of Russian traditional foods and souvenir, exported/imported products and services between Vietnam and Russia, picture display about Vietnam - Russia diplomatic relationship. Especially, there was also the musical programme with many musical and art performance, traditional costume performance.

Danapha also took part in this events with the pavilion displayed some representative drugs exported to Russia such as Golden Star Balm, Golden Star massage oil, Golden Star Inhale, Vg-5, Lotosnic, ... Among those products, group of Golden Star products was really famous in Russia.

Danapha products exported to Russia
Mr Valentin M. Dikushin - the Consul General of Russia to Danang, many Russians working at Danang visited Danapha’s pavilion and expressed their interest in our Herbal drugs. This show that Danapha’s products have their own position in Russian market, which enhance our belief of developing in Russia.

Russian people working at Danang vistied Danapha's pavilion

1. If you are a health professional, this is a summarized medicine administration guide. Please check the instruction card for full details
2. If you are a consumer, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.