News / Danapha's Activities

Danaph started initial cooperation between Hi-tech Park Danang

On the 8th September, Danapha had a warm meeting with Danang Hi-tech Park Management Board to discuss investment opportunities in this Park.

At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Quang Tri - Chairman cum CEO of Danapha introduced the two pharmaceutical factories of Danapha in Danang city. Mr. Nguyen Quang Tri also expressed Danapha’s intention to invest a project of developing and producing medicine in Hi-tech Park. And in the mean time, Danapha will prepare human resource, finance and all nesccessary condition to suggest our project to Hi-tech Park in 2016. Mr. Nguyen Quang Tri said that sience and technology is the best way for Danapha to create new breakthrough and get a steady position in pharmaceutical market.

Mr. Doan Ngoc Hung Anh, Deputy General Director of Danang Hi-tech Park Management Board, also shared about the status of invesment in infrastucture of Hi-tech Park, the progress of investment attraction as well as the incentive policy and the support for investor. Mr. Hung also emphasized that Hi-tech park is a destination for both foreign and domestic investor, especially for domestic businesses with high science and technology projects. This is the difference of Danang hi-tech park from other industrial parks. Mr. Hung affirmed that Danang hi-tech park management board will support Danapha from providing investment information to administrative procedure to have Hi science - technology Enterprise Certification.

End of the meeting, Danapha invited Management Board of Danang hi-tech Park to take park in the Nano Technology Workshop hold at Danapha in September. Representatives of hi-tech park and Danapha also expressed the desire of creating long-lasting cooperational relationship between two parties in implementing some hi-tech project in the coming time.

1. If you are a health professional, this is a summarized medicine administration guide. Please check the instruction card for full details
2. If you are a consumer, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.