News / Danapha's Activities

Danapha’s meeting at the beginning of 2014

After the Tet Holidays, Danapha’s staffs came back to the company with the feeling of joy and excitement for a new year.
At this time, all the leaders and staffs together looked back upon what had appened in 2013 and looked forward to a new successful year 2014. Though the ceremony were taken place just for 2 hours, it made our staffs laugh and joyful which was the best gift from the leaders. Therefore, our staffs were mobilized to work and devote to the development of Danapha.
Thanks to the spirit, the enthusiasm of the staffs and the dedication of the leaders, Danapha  promise to reach the goal of 350 billion VND in 2014.
We also wish all of you joyful and prosperous in new year. Happy New Year!

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