News / Danapha's Activities

Mr Nguyen Xuan Anh - Vice President of Da Nang People's Committee visited Danapha

2014 is chosen to be the business year of Da Nang city; therefore, the People’s Assembly and the People’s Committee of Da Nang are implementing many practical programs that perhaps help local company to go through this hard time, settle down and then develop more. “As a big pharmaceutical company in the Middle area, Danapha was expected to keep growing to be a reputable pharmaceutical brand of Vietnam which have products for both export and internal market and continuously devote to public health”, said Mr Nguyen Xua Anh (Vice president of People’s Committee).
Mr Nguyen Xuan Anh - Vice President of Da Nang People's Committee (on the left) and Mr Nguyen Quang Tri - Chairman of the Board cum CEO of Danapha Pharmaceutical JSC (on the right)
From “Biomedical” to “GMP-Ukraine”
In Oriental Medical industry of Vietnam, Danapha is the only company have a closed manufacturing process from inputting raw materials to filtering, preparing medicinal herbs and manufacturing finished drugs.
In 2013, as Ministry of Health noticed in Decision 344/QĐ-BYT on 29th January, Danapha had three (over five) drugs having bioequivalence proving documents, including: Telfadin, Risdontab 2 and Olanxol.
Also in this year, Danapha was certified to be in FAST500 – top 500 fastest growing enterprises and in Top 1000 enterprises of Tax contribution (assessed by Vietnam Report).
Especially, in September, Danapha factory got the certificate of GMP-Ukraine (including: PIC/S standard which stands for Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme) from Ukraine Ministry of Health. This certication is the motivation for Danapha to expand export market in Ukraine and win higher standard in the future.
Bring the spirit of Vietnam Gold Star to TPP integration
In 2013, Gold Star Award was held for the tenth time by The Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. In this year, the number of company joining for this award as well as the number of company getting the award was the biggest ever. Although, 2012 was really a hard year to business, the revenue of top 10, 100, 200 enterprises getting the awards all increased sharply. This meant that despite the crisis, many enterprises still maintained their growth. With the best efforts in 2013, Danapha won the Gold Star Award for the tenth time and was among 415 enterprises getting the certification of Vietnamese high quality goods.
Thanks to these achievements, Danapha has strong belief in the development and the competitive advantages  of company when Vietnam joins The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
Mission and Concerns
Danapha’s leaders are having a hard consideration on long-term development and the environment as well as the public health.
As our mission, Danapha is planning to manufacturing some new drugs to increase competitive ability of company. However, this may lead to the dismiss of poisonous chemical waste to environment. Therefore, the most difficult thing to Danapha in this developing period is the production site.
Prior to the public health and the environment, Danapha not only focused on developing Oriental Medicine and drugs for export but also invest new machine system that is friendly with environment. Although the cost is so high, Danapha still chose the best solution for people and environment which are more important than profit.

1. If you are a health professional, this is a summarized medicine administration guide. Please check the instruction card for full details
2. If you are a consumer, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.