News / Danapha's Activities

Standing Committee on Science, Technology &Environment has visited Danapha

(DNP - 04/22/2016) - On the morning of April 22nd, the Standing Committee on Science, Technology and Environment of the National Assembly has visited and worked with Danapha on the scientific research, application and transfer of technology in the production of Pharmaceutical products.

At the meeting, Danapha has introduced to Delegation about more than 50-year-old history, the ups and downs in operation as well as Danapha application-oriented science and technology in research, pharmaceutical production.
Danapha is now Vietnam's first pharmaceutical company which is built standards for Oriental Medicament, an Oriental Medicament factory met the GMP-WHO quality standards with completed-automated process of production, the system with high medicinal extraction and capacity circulation. Besides, Danapha has kicked off the R & D Center. With the achievements obtained from the serious investment for the application of science and technology, Danapha has been certified a scientific and technological enterprise in 2015. Based on this platform, Danapha is fulfilling continuously administrative papers to enter the high-tech zone - this is really a big achievement as to be approved by the operation in high-tech zone is something totally not easy, particularly for pharmaceutical companies.
Mr Nguyen Quang Tri - CEO of Danapha - reported on Danapha's technology application

After the reports on the Danapha’s technology applications in the enterprise, representative of the Standing Committee of Science, Technology and Environment said: "National Assembly and MOST have big interest in the enterprises which is doing investment in science and technology, especially in health care" and expressed delight with the Danapha’s serious investment for all the science and technology. Besides, the Standing Committee of Science, Technology and Environment also learn the enterprise’s aspirations and support proposals for the State.
Representatives of Standing Committee's speech at the meeting

In the meeting, Danapha also shared frankly about its difficulties when entering oversea markets, especially after the TPP agreement is signed. In particular, intellectual property issues caused anxiety and embarrassment in the integration process. Danapha presented to the Standing Committee on desire for strict intellectual propertyLaw as well as highly specialized lawyers to protect domestic pharmaceutical enterprises, to cope with the risks in pharmaceutical production &businessactivities.
Discussing at Danapha's R&D Center

On this occasion, Danapha expressed gratitude for the support of the State in particular, the Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of science and technology in general in the Danapha scientific and technological applications activities. Over the financial incentives, the certification for Danapha science and technology enterprise is the motivation for Danapha to continue to pursue this technology orientation.

1. If you are a health professional, this is a summarized medicine administration guide. Please check the instruction card for full details
2. If you are a consumer, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.