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Danapha's Activities
Ministry of Science and Technology organize the acceptance test of a pilot production program at Danapha
(DNP - 12/31/2015) - Last December 31, the Council of National Science and Technology and Expert team assessed the results and conducted acceptance test of the project "Completion of the production technologicalprocess of 3 film-coated tablets product: Bai Thach, Vg5 and Tadimax in industrial scale " at Danapha.
This is one of the themes within the program "Researchthe application and development of advanced technologies to take care of the public health" with the goal of successful application of engineering and advanced technologies to manufacturemedicines ofhigh quality, standards of advanced countries, capable of competing on the domestic market with ability to replace import and serve export.
After implementation of the project, the quality standards in the production of medicinal products: BaiThach, Vg5, Tadimaxin particular and Herbal products of Danapha in general has been improved a lot. From stage of medicinal inputs growing and processing, process of extracting, plaster condensing and manufacturing of medicines, allare standardized and improved.
The success of this project has provided good quality products at reasonable price to meet the needs of health care for people, and is the basis for customers and doctors to trustfully select Danapha products in the process of medical treatment. This project is also a prerequisite for Danapha to further research the manufacturing of effective and high quality products for patients, contributing to the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Vietnam in general.