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Vixolis – disappearance of fear of sinusitis

At the seasonal transition time,rhinitis, sinusitis, allergyoften prevail, causing much discomfort to patients. Certain knowledge about the diseases will help you to reduce the nuisance caused by the diseases.

The typical symptoms
- Constant sneeze, especially in the morning and at the climate change time
- Stuffy nose, lasting nasal congestion
- Not being able to distinguish odors
- Headaches in frontal sinus area and between the eyebrows
- Rhinorrheaand then develop into glair, thick, malodorous
- Sputum flowing down the throat makes throat itchy and stimulates cough, mild fever.
- Clinical examination shows sore in maxillary sinus, frontal sinus.
- X-ray of the sinuses (Bondeau - Hirtz) shows opaque imagesof the maxillary sinus, frontal sinus. Consequently the patients are constantly upset, tired, unconfident in public, which contributes to the decreasein quality of life, etc.

Allergic rhinitis is not just a disease of the nasal organs but also the phenomenon of systemic allergy manifestations.
Allergic rhinitis occurs upon exposure to allergens such as house dust, drugs, pollen, food, some kinds of antibiotics, changes in environmental factors (humidity, temperature, climate change, seasonal transition), bacteria, viruses,...

There is another important reason not usually mentioned: living habits such as: drinking too much, inappropriate body warming, cold shower in sweating status, ...

- Wear a mask when going out and working in dirty environment. Avoid polluted air and foods of allergic history.
- Regulate a balanced living habits and diet, keep body warm reasonably and avoid cold bath in sweating status.
- Avoid going swimming during the time suffering from nasosinusitis
- Take early examination and treatment of symptoms in the nose, throat,... to avoid chronic sinusitis.
- Avoid abusing special antibiotics, steroids, aspirin,...

Treatment method
Currently there are many drugs to treat allergic rhinitis, sinusitis on the market, but not everyone is choosing the right drugs. Mistakes in the treatment of sinusitis are the cause of the worsening condition of diseases.
- You can follow the traditional method: sweat out few leaves of mint for the whole of body or scoop out a large bowl for steam inhalation, inhalethe heatin the status of head covered with a large bath towel.
- Wash your nostrils with saline solution: wash each nostril with natriclorid 0.9% under the treatment of sinusitis, or mix a teaspoon of salt and two cups of warm water with a pinch of bicarbonate. Pour salt water into a large bowl, throw back the head, cover a nostril side, inhale water into the other nostril side and gently blow nose out. Switch sides and do the same.

VIXOLIS–Herbal therapy for rhinitis, sinusitis treatment.
According to Oriental medicine, the cause of sinusitis isallergy in infection status and cold conditions (vaginal discharge) upon facing agents of rheumatism. So it reduces the symptoms of rhinitis, sinusitis effectively.

VIXOLIS–Herbal therapy for rhinitis, sinusitis treatment

VIXOLIS improves the health of the nasal mucosa with stimulations and thereforehave thorough treatment and prevention of allergic reactions in the nasal mucosa, sinuses. In addition,the effectiveness in reducing edema, nasal congestion, immediate inflammation helps to excrete quickly gangrenous and stagnant substances in the nasal cavity, thereby increasing the treatment effectiveness of allergic rhinitis, sinusitis.

Unlike chemical pharmaceutical drugs, this productcan be used as a long-term friendly therapy without causingsub-mucosal hypertrophy or dependence, contributing to the improvement ofthe nasal mucosa and your quality of life.

1. If you are a health professional, this is a summarized medicine administration guide. Please check the instruction card for full details
2. If you are a consumer, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.