News / Danapha's Activities

Danapha held 5S training for staffs

(DNP - 09/30/2016) - On December 30th 2016 morning, Danapha held 5S Training for heads & deputies of department and factory’s staffs with advices, training by Mr. MasajiroTani - experts from HRI consulting firm. This is a working method created by the Japanese and are applied worldwide in order to ensure efficiency in production and business of enterprises.

As a Vietnamese pharmaceutical company with the ambition to conquer the international market, Danapha has been implemented many plans towards standardizing enterprise’s business and production activities. In particular, applying 5S model will help Danapha rising labor productivity, minimize waste in production while ensuring the quality of the product.    

At the training sessions, expert has introduced for staffs about 5S definition, strengths, goals, relationship between 5S and operation of the business as well as the implementation of the 5S method applied at DNP. Although 5S model with elements: "sort", "set in order", "shine", "standardize", and "sustain" seems very simple, training specialists stressed that "the successful application of this model requires the serious determination and implementation of all Danapha’s staffs - from leaders to employees throughout the company."

Following this training session, HRI experts will examine and co-operate with Danapha to build the plan to implement 5S for each department, each plant. With strong believe that the knowledge shared by experts’ professional support, Danapha will successfully applies models 5S to improve product quality, enhance Danapha brand vision - confidently enters the world market.

1. If you are a health professional, this is a summarized medicine administration guide. Please check the instruction card for full details
2. If you are a consumer, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.